Meet the Horses

Arrived: April 2018 at age 19
Color: Sorrel
Our amazing farrier, Uncle Billy, had been telling us about a great horse he used to have, and he convinced his latest owner to donate Rusty. In his past he was a hard working rodeo and ranch horse. He is a favorite pal amongst horses and people, and loves quality time and attention.

Arrived: July 2012 at age 14
Color: Sorrel
We bought this handsome gelding from a roping family in Kona who was used as a rodeo and ranch horse. He has the best slow jog around and has given many people great bareback experiences.
Although he is entering old age, he is still a leader in the herd.

Arrived: April 2017 at age 14
Color: Sorrel
Holo was donated from a family who used him as a ranch horse doing tasks such as carrying young calves and heading out on trails. He is one of the biggest horses on the ranch, and has a big personality to go with it. He has always had a positive attitude and is on the look out for mischievous fun. Fearless and playful; he loves to fling the giant horse ball as far as he can. Although his patience and attention span may be short at times, he is almost always ready for a fun ride.

Arrived: March 2020 at age 13
Color: Strawberry Roan
Shorty was donated as a prior roping horse by a family who knew his kind and loving personality had a bigger job to do. He has white hairs throughout his coat making him a roan. He is one of the biggest horses here, but he is a gentle giant. He prefers walking over running, but is capable of being highly athletic. He gets along with all in the herd, and is almost always a mellow guy to hang out with. We are so happy to have this guy in our herd, and with his young age and old soul, we look forward to having him for a long time.

Arrived: November 2021 at age 24
Color: Bay
Doc is always one of the first horses to greet you at the gate. He worked at a trail riding tour company until they donated him to us with hopes that he would give and receive more cuddles to people who need it. Doc loves attention, but as a newer horse is still getting used to the ranch. He is a tall and lanky thoroughbred type of horse, and everyone loves spending time with him.

Arrived: March 2022 at age 12
Color: Bay
Gibson is currently under assessment as the newest Heart Ranch horse. We have high hopes for this guy as he can ease the responsibility off of some of our older horses who have given so much. Gibson was donated by the University of Hawaii at Hilo!

Arrived: February 2013 at age 22
Color: Chestnut with flaxen mane/tail
Abe was previously used as a ranching and rodeo horse. We re-named him after Abraham of the Old Testament as he gets scared of new things easily but always takes care of his person or rider by remaining still, yet wary. Although his nervousness sometimes requires some reassurance, he is a brave trail horse that will trudge through whatever lies ahead. He was once a strong horse that took bigger riders, but in 2022 we decided he can no longer be ridden due to his age, loss of balance, and health issues. He still seems fulfilled by doing his favorite job; loving people. We cherish every moment that we get to spend with this sweet guy!

Arrived: February 2013 at age 11
Color: Red Dun
Mocha was a high-end team roping horse from Utah before he came to the Big Island. He became very sick with an unknown virus, and was nearly put down. Minutes before euthanasia, Mocha decided to get up on his own and was given a second chance at life. After determining that he was no longer capable of intense work and competition, he was donated to Heart Ranch. For a time he was a great riding horse and loved to play games, but at the beginning of 2018 he began displaying strong signs of neurologic issues, including loss of balance, weight loss, and a decline in mobility. The decision was made by the board and our vet that Mocha could no longer be ridden. He adores massages, spending time with veterans, and hanging out with his friends. He is not in pain and seems to be more stable as he has learned to adapt to his disabilities.

Arrived: October 2014 at age 14
Color: Bay
When we first met Kaipo, he quickly stole our hearts when he walked right up to us and gently pressed his head into our bodies, as if he was listening to our heartbeats and just wanted a hug. His previous owner knew what a gem she had and that he would receive more attention and bless more people when she donated him to Heart Ranch. Our farrier knew him in his younger years and noted that Kaipo's oddly shaped pot-belly had always been there. Kaipo still loves hugs and can be very affectionate, although his arthritis can flare up and make him a bit grumpy.

Arrived: February 2011 at age 11
Color: Paint with an all white coat
He appears to be white in color, but when wet he shows his true paint coloring! Prince came from a difficult past having endured abuse and mistreatment. He has very strong emotions and and has overcome a lot of his fears since coming to us. He enjoys soft pets, a patient and strong leader, and getting his buddies to run with him. He is extremely aware of a human's body language, and can be very sensitive. Many people connect and find a special soft spot in their hearts for him.

Born on the ranch in July 2010
Color: Paint
Zoey is the only ranch horse to be born here on the property, and she tends to be a mischievous horse. She needs a strong and consistent rider, and is generally ridden only by more advanced riders at the ranch.

Arrived: September 2011 at age 7
Color: Palomino
When we bought Trigger he had severe worms and was suffering from malnutrition from living in a backyard. His palomino coat was rough and unhealthy looking, and though he was very hungry for feed and attention, it was immediately noticed that he had a sweet and puppy-like temperament. He is now known for being very photogenic, and he seems to pose for pictures. He has been used in a wedding and in parades, but his favorite job is most definitely working with his kids.