Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us with questions, or to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to reach us by phone, please understand that we may be busy with those who are attending the ranch and will be sure to return your call at our earliest convenience. Please leave us a message. Email is preferred.
Coming from the South:
Go up Puainako extension (which can be accessed turning Left off Komohana, or come all the way from Kileaua downtown up Puainako). You will make a right hand turn about the 5 mile marker, onto Wilder Rd., turn right on Kaumana Dr., the next road you will turn Left, which is Akolea Rd. Drive just under a mile and you will cross the one lane wooden bridge, start to look for our driveway on the right. You will see 3 mailboxes on the far side of our paved driveway one of which is 380. You will initially see a “Private Road” sign on the right. On the left you will see a “Slow Down” sign and the flowerpots lining the road. As you come down the driveway you will drop down and see the arena and barn. Drive through the open gate onto the gravel road and parking is on the left just above the arena, in the pasture.
Coming from the North:
Turn right on Waianuenue (first light into Hilo after going over the singing bridge) – go straight up Waianuenue (staying to the right as it meets up with Kaumana by Carvalho park). Drive past Hilo Medical Center and past the “Boiling Pots” sign. Turn Left on Akolea Rd. We are makai side, about a mile or so. Watch for 3 mailboxes that mark our driveway and address at 380. You will initially see a “Private Road” sign on the right. On the left you will see a “Slow Down” sign and the flowerpots lining the road. As you come down the driveway you will drop down and see the arena and barn. Drive through the open gate onto the gravel road and parking is on the left just above the arena, in the pasture.