Heart Ranch depends on its gracious volunteers. Our volunteer team loves to be here and to provide a safe environment of encouragement and love. They are invaluable in keeping things going. We are always looking for willing individuals and have many different and diverse opportunities available.
Here are a few of our suggested volunteer roles. Volunteers need to have a willing heart to serve others and be healthy in body and mind. Please note, all volunteers who work onsite with children will be required at no charge to pass a background check and must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Session Leader
For our mentorship program, sessions leaders are the limiting factor in the number of kids that we can serve. The opportunity to work with kids and horses, in a session leader capacity, is reserved for our consistent long-term adult volunteers. This role is reserved for those we know well, have demonstrated horsemanship capabilities, and have a heart for serving children. It is a long-term goal for many of our volunteers. This volunteer would be scheduled to work with ranch children and horses in a one-to-one ratio. It is our hope that these leaders have a strong faith and personal relationship with God and a dedicated heart to the ranch mission.
Having a person there to warmly welcome everyone who walks down our driveway truly helps our ranch serve its purpose. Greeters also offer direction to newcomers, ensure release forms have been filled out correctly, sign people in for attendance, connect leaders with their children for their sessions, and spend time talking with visitors and participants. They also facilitate introductory meetings for new families at our ranch. A major part of this role includes sitting and talking with parents while their child is in session. Often the families who come are in need of someone to talk to and share about their life. There is also never a shortage of kids on the ranch, and this volunteer may serve by simply playing with them! This is a wonderful help for the leader doing sessions, as there are almost always siblings of the child in session and often they desire attention too.
Ranch Hand
For those who like to get out and get moving, the ranch is always full of muscle-building jobs. Work may include moving gravel and rock, shelter repair, goat hoof trimming and vaccination, fixing fences, repairing buildings, mowing the pasture, shoveling manure, tending the arena, etc. This can be for a group project or on an individual basis, and may be scheduled weekly, monthly, or as a one-time event.
Youth Volunteer
If you are between the ages of 12 -18, have been a participant at Heart Ranch, and are looking for an opportunity to get more involved, you may be eligible to be a volunteer. Ask your leader about it during your next session time; they will be able to determine if you are ready for this exciting opportunity, in which case they will refer you to the youth volunteer coordinator. To ensure everyone has a chance to learn and is safe, we limit the number of youth volunteers we have each day. Those youth who are able to commit to come weekly are considered first for volunteering, but we hope to include as many as we can. A youth volunteer’s experience at the ranch will differ greatly from that of an adult volunteer. Volunteering sessions will always include physical labor, but may also include informal training on a number of topics including horsemanship, ranch maintenance, gardening, etc. Youth volunteers must also have a servant’s heart.
Prayer Warrior
Prayer is essential to everything that happens at the ranch. If you would like to be available to pray with or for others while you are volunteering on the ranch, please include that interest on your application.
The most valuable way that you can help is prayer. It is a gift that anyone can give, and a means by which the ranch functions daily. We genuinely appreciate the time you spend in prayer for the care of our ranch, staff, horses, and all who come to this place.
Internship-type experiences may be available at Heart Ranch. All inquiries may be made to the office by emailing hope@heartranch.org.